Monday, December 2, 2013

2013 Turkey Classic

Well, well, well...
Finally some results. 

After a bit of a rough patch, we made it to the track for the big event.  The Turkey Classic, formerly held at Imperial Speedway and now at Cocopah Speedway is always one of our favorite events.  The event was a two day show held Friday and Saturday. 

So, Friday didn't turn out well...

The shiny new body and wrap didn't have one corner left untouched, but the crew stripped it down to the bones and got to work piecing her back together again.
Saturday turned out to be a better day, but it got off to a rough start.
Fortunately, the boys got 'er fixed up again in time for the main.  In an impressive showing (for twice-wrecked--maybe more; I lost track--racecar), we finished third! 
Imagine what we could do if everyone would stop hitting us!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

We're Back

Well, sort of.  Last night was the first night back on track in a while.  The new body and wrap looks great, but we had some gremlins at the track with us. 

This is how the car looked most of the night...

Monday, February 11, 2013


We're taking a bit of a break from the racing scene.  The car needs some TLC, and we want to make sure everything is working top-notch rather than babying it through another season. 

Also, things like...well, life are a little busy this year.  Real jobs are keeping the boys busy, and in some happy news, both driver and crew chief and their respective wives are expecting babies in the spring. 

Hopefully, we find ourselves back on track (literally!) sometime in the early summer...