Sunday, November 27, 2011


Well, that didn't go quite the way we anticipated.  Friday night were heats and a Race of Champions.  We made it through the heat and used it to play with the set-up of the car.  During the Race of Champions the set-up didn't work and we ended up blowing out a right-rear tire.  Saturday morning, a lot more broken bits were discovered.  After spending the day repairing the car and banging the body back into shape, we went with a lot more conservative set-up which worked on the dry-slick track.  Unfortunately, during a bit of a tussle for real estate, we broke a tie rod ending our night early.  Despite our disappointment, there was some great racing action from the pro stocks.  The 55 schooled the field ,but the 3D and 72 had a great battle for second and the majority of the field was competitive.

We're taking a little break through December to give the car a detailed going over and fix, repair, and freshen things up.  See you in the new year!
A little late-night revelry, and we've joined a new team!

That's better
This kind of thing can make for a rough weekend
At least we looked good while we were out there.  This is post blow-out.   Looks pretty good, doesn't it? Amazing what some rivets, hammers, and elbow grease will do.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Defending Turkey Classic Winner article at

There's a pretty good article up at the Cocopah Speedway website detailing last year's Turkey Classic and the where we are for this year's.  Check it out!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Back to Cocopah

On November 5th, we found ourselves at Cocopah Speedway again, this time to do some testing for the upcoming Turkey Classic.  Not sure we had the set-up we want since we finished third.  Up next is the Cocopah Speedway Turkey Classic (formally of the defunct Imperial Speedway).  Should be a great event, and we are going in as defending winners!
2010 Turkey Classic